Artist Profile: Taylor Hudson


Taylor Hudson


Surrey, BC Canada

Current City:

Everett, WA

Your Medium/Craft:

Large Scale Oil Painting

Years doing your craft?

Since I was about 14.

How did you first get started in your craft? 

I have always been interested in art making, starting from my childhood. My first high school job was as an art instructor for an afterschool program where I had access to painting materials that were out of my price range. Free use of these materials was what had originally drawn me to using oil paint. I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts this past spring majoring in Oil Painting.

Courtesy of Taylor Hudson

Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations? 

The artists that move me and are my favourite sometimes differ from which artists’ work influences my artmaking. Mark Rothko is a large inspiration to the scale of my work and its intention on aura. While I love photographers such as Carrie Mae Weems and Francesca Woodman, my approach to painting originally was photographic and influenced by those two artists. Over time that has evolved, and my process is more painterly, and I look to many contemporary painters for inspiration.

Favorite Piece You've Created? 

My first large-scale work I jokingly call "The Chicken" full title is "Is this My body? As Fresh as a Spring Chicken" (2019.) I love it because of its scale and easteresque colour palette, yet the subject itself is disgusting, a piece of raw chicken thrown on a counter-image I found on the internet. I found painting it to be fun and I felt conveyed how I was feeling at the time about being within my body and becoming a young woman.

Courtesy of Taylor Hudson

What is the most challenging part of being an artist or something you had to overcome? 

Separate from the challenges of moving to different countries and bringing my work and materials across the border, that was its own ordeal. I would say personal challenges I have had is with needing time and space to dedicate to consistent art making. My best work comes from a disciplined commitment to creating work. With that, you need a certain amount of time and energy set aside to do so. People have to work, I work 2 jobs on top of being an artist, so I feel sympathetic to young people who are renting and don't have the studio space/time/financial resources to create work.

Courtesy of Taylor Hudson

Favorite place in Everett to hang? 

Of course, Union Yoga Co! I love the community of people who share that space, and I recommend anyone looking for some yoga and mindfulness practices to check it out.

What's next for you? 

I have an upcoming solo exhibition at Black Lab Gallery on Hewitt Ave on August 19th! Opening night, we will have a DJ from 7:30-11:30 pm. I hope people who are interested will come to check it out.

Where can people purchase or see more of your art?

Currently, I have my work up at Toggles Bottle Shop, where I have 5 of my larger works up to view!

Find Taylor online @taylorhudsongallery



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