Artist Profile: Shannon Leah Danks


Shannon Leah Danks, Shanrock Studios


Afton, Star Valley, Wyoming

Current City/Neighborhood:

Everett, Washington

Your Medium/Craft:

Mosaic, cement work, painting, drawing, singing, playing drums.


Years doing your craft?

For as long as I can remember. I always enjoyed playing and exploring outside, making mud pies with sugar sprinkles, or creating hotels for the ants in the winter. I love the beauty and magic of nature. I have always enjoyed collecting and polish rocks. 

How did you first get started in your craft?

One summer When I was around 6 or 7 years I remember trying to sell my pretty rocks for 1 penny each and one of my teachers walked by and looked at me selling my rocks and he told me no one would ever want to buy my rocks. I never did sell any of my pretty rocks that day, but I smile every time I sell a mosaic. 

Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations?

My favorite artist would be my Mother and Mother Nature. Both mind-blowing abilities and talents … Incredibly beautiful. Sometimes all she does goes unnoticed but if you pay attention you will catch a glimpse but never totally understand what and how she does it … Magic I tell you!

Favorite Piece You've Created?

My favorite piece would be my latest commission. It is titled "The dawn of daily chaos" This lady called me and wanted me to create a mosaic with her leftover renovation material as well as some broken pottery and dishes her mother accidentally broke when she moved back in with her. It was a pure joy to create. She gave me complete artistic freedom to do what I wanted and I came up with the mosaic "The dawn of daily chaos.” AND she even PAID me for it!


What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?

The greatest challenge is being a gentle and creative spirit in this world.

How can people be supportive of the arts?

How to support the caring and appreciating what is around you. Appreciate good food, nice clothes, take care of your body, mind, and spirit, listen to beautiful music, take care of your home wherever that may be. Fill your world with what makes you feel happy and excited and at peace.

Favorite place in Everett to hang?

Favorite hang out is either outside running and playing with my dog or in my studio breaking and making art.

Favorite quote and/or words to live by?

"Be Love" Bob Marley

What's next for you?

Hopefully will find more commission work in mosaics and develop my art classes and workshops into a full-time occupation. Recently I discovered paint pouring and it's fun! Excited to explore new possibilities and adventures in my artistic endeavors in life. 

Where can people purchase or see more of your art?

Please connect with me on Facebook or Instagram.


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