Weekly Goodness: January 13, 2022

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." - Martin Luther King Jr.

THROWBACK VIDEO: Live in Everett Member Sno-Isle Food Co-op has yummy sandwiches and delicious soups. Pick up lunch today. They have a small seating area available or you can get your order to go. 🥪

Honor the achievements of Martin Luther King, Jr. with events this weekend. Snohomish County Black Heritage Committee is hosting a live-streamed celebration on Facebook. There are also some day-of-service events at the parks and the YMCA is hosting an Interurban Trail and neighborhood clean-up. ⭐️

SHOUT OUT: Thank you to Terry Lee Potter, Rachel Weatherholt and Teresa Fahringer our newest Patrons! Thank you to all our Patrons for helping us spread the news about the good things happening in Everett. You can help support Live in Everett for as little as $1 a month. 🙌

FREE COFFEE: Four Punch Friday @ Diedrich Expresso
Swing by Live in Everett Member Diedrich Espresso on Friday and with your purchase, get four punches on your punch card. You’ll be on the fast track to a free coffee. 

APPLAUSE: Grand Re-Showpening @ Everett Improv
Everett Improv has a new location on Colby
with its own door and bathroom. If that’s not reason enough to check them out Friday at 7:30, there’ll be lots of laughs and drinks. 

FIX IT: Remote Repair Cafe @ Hopeworks Renew Home & Decor
WSU Snohomish County Extension Sustainable Community Stewards
are back to fix your broken stuff. Space is limited so you need to sign up online and then drop your broken stuff off Saturday at 10 a.m. FREE

DANCE: DJ Lady Coco @ Lucky Dime
Go dancing
at Lucky Dime Saturday at 8 p.m. DJ Lady Coco will be spinning vinyl…err…or maybe hitting the play button, but anyway it should be fun. Find more music events here

RECYCLE: Styrofoam and Electronics Recycling Event @ EVCC
Students for Environmental Action
invite you to bring clean styrofoam, packing peanuts in bags or boxes, bubble wrap and plastic film to be recycled Tuesday at 10 a.m. They are also accepting some electronics. Check here to see what is accepted. FREE

RUN FOR TACOS: Community Run @ Scuttlebutt Taproom & Brewery
Run or walk
and then eat tacos and drink beer to refuel those lost calories Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. 

We do our best to provide accurate event information, but you should always double-check with the venue for changes and cancellations.

Thanks to our Members! Help us keep waving the Everett flaG!

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Organizations: Request info & BECOME A MEMBER