Sketchy Everett Vol. 29: Everett Alley - Summer

It's this light, this waitNOstopDON'TgoAWAY kind of golden sunlight that I wish I could capture in a jar at the end of every summer. I would pull this jar out on a dark October night and open it, wishing for just one more evening of long summer shadows and brilliant estival color, if I could. 

Somewhere between the Northwest and Bayside neighborhoods, this alleyway always catches my eye if I walk past it in the last hour of the day. Alleyways, these secret promenades of the interior block, fascinate me. Especially when the topsy turvy growth of a city over the past century has led to houses facing the alley instead of the street and tucked away apartments and mother-in-law units.  A garden, where you might expect a trash bin. A fir tree, where you figured there was just a telephone pole. A secret street full of life, when you thought it was simply an alleyway. 

Elizabeth Person, Headshot.png

Elizabeth is an Everett, Washington-based artist and graphic designer. Using pen and watercolor, she sketches from life and creates 'illustrative infographics,' often featuring Northwest themes.