5 Reasons Why You Should Watch Oliver Elf Army on Band in Seattle Right Now šŸ„šŸæšŸŽøšŸæ

Local band Oliver Elf Army (you know, the band that sings the Live in Everett theme song that Henry J plays bass in?) was just featured on Band in Seattle on King 5.

Hereā€™s five reasons you should pull the car over at Ace Hardware right now, grab some popcorn and take 22 minutes to watch the whole episode (PS: You should never read Live in Everett while driving a car):

  1. Our first observation: Martins Adams wears aā€¦ uh, Skippers gift card? How old is that thing? Starting off with a real unicorn. This thing might have hope yet.

    Henry J note: Itā€™s actually a name tag that Scotty from Fauna Shade wore on their episode of Band in Seattle. We wanted to keep the tradition alive. šŸŽ£

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(oh yeah, and a cool Everett button)

2. Henry J spoke to his grandmother through his bass guitar like you wouldnā€™t believe.

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3. There may or may not be signature dance moves by Everett music fanatic Caleb Hirsch that make you feel like your right at home in the olā€™ Milltown.

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(PS: you should totally check out Calebā€™s podcast: Only Everything)

4, You get to hear the cool stories and meanings behind their songs. Like ā€œBooty Warriorā€ and ā€œJudy Do You Ever Miss Hellā€.

Do you know which TV character the song, ā€œJudy Do You Ever Miss Hellā€ is named after? Youā€™re about to find out.

5. And oh yeah, they kill it and rep Everett.


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Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.


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