Everett's Best Banh Mi Winners

The votes are in, and the winners of Everett's Best Banh Mi are ready to claim their crowns!

3rd Place, a tie!
Yummy Deli & Janbo Cafe

Janbo Cafe
6125 Evergreen Way
Everett, WA 98203

Yummy Deli
8630 Evergreen Way, Ste D
Everett, WA 98208


2nd Place:

11114 Evergreen Way, Ste A
Everett, WA 98204

1st Place:
Yummy Banh Mi

1606 Hewitt Ave
Everett, WA 98201

Did Everett's favorite match up with Live in Everett's friends' favorites? Find out in this Live in Everett TV.

That's it for this month's winners!

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Live in Everett is a blog boasting about all the good things happening in Everett, WA. Whether it's promoting local events or trying out the newest restaurant, LIEv's crazy team of locals is passionate about letting everyone know one simple mantra: Good Things Happen Here.